All tour information is user generated and although we try our best, we cannot guarantee its correctness. Always consult people with knowledge about the area and get a proper map. If in doubt, hire a guide!
From La Tine, pass through meadows NE direction, passing through Petits Crêts, Gros Crêts, La Siète. From this chalet, take the path which leave uphill to Gros Fonds, and go on to L'Arsa Jor. Reach the pass nearby the Culand alpage and then ascend the W ridge of la Chaux de Culand.
From pass between points 1867m et 1891m, go down the NE slope, direction des Druges, then go on through the orientated NW glade to Les Sauges. Take the path until the junction with road coming from Lessoc (about 1380m).
VariantFrom Les Sauges, go down about 200m more, until the end of Cerniet glade (slopes about 35°-40°), and ascend by the same route to join the road.
Follow the path uphill to Fonds, then reach Leity point, and Epaule des Millets.
By Les Joux and Gros Pas, then follow the road until Grandvillard.
Negative slope values means the track is heading uphill.