All tour information is user generated and although we try our best, we cannot guarantee its correctness. Always consult people with knowledge about the area and get a proper map. If in doubt, hire a guide!
- From the top of the Floria ski tow, above the Index telecabin traverse NE to pass under the foot of the ridge coming down from the Crochues. Continue onto Lac Blanc and go up the cwm to the Col de Belvedere.
Descend the NW gully, steep and narrow (S5 for about 50m), then less sustained (S4 for another 50m) before arriving at the pleasant slopes of the Belvédère glacier. An abseil point at the col. A second abseil point 50m lower down on the left, often buried.
Go to the Berard valley by keeping to the left of the Bélvédère glacier, (to the right there are crevasses and ice.) Follow the valley back down to Buet, keeping to the true right bank lower down.