All tour information is user generated and although we try our best, we cannot guarantee its correctness. Always consult people with knowledge about the area and get a proper map. If in doubt, hire a guide!
2 possibilities depending of snow cover:
- from point 928 (Chamois Holidays center) climb strait up the clearing and go to the left to joint the alp road about 1200m.
- up on the road to Motélon (1000m)take the alp road on the right up to 1200 metres.
Go up to the saddle by a basin, with 3 alp huts (Les Groins, on the map) on the right side. Just under the saddle, there are often cornices.
For the summit, go up to the north to the cross until the beginning of rocks and then follow a path under the cliff on a ledge (south) on 100m.
A couloir is oppening an go to the summit.
Same way to go down!
Negative slope values means the track is heading uphill.