All tour information is user generated and although we try our best, we cannot guarantee its correctness. Always consult people with knowledge about the area and get a proper map. If in doubt, hire a guide!
Ascent :
From carpark just before Abländschen, cross the river ant go on the left to a farm. Take the up path which is going inside the forest to arrive near the hut alp named Fideritschiboden (1389m). Cross the glade until hut Noche Schwand (beware, there are 2 hut with the same name, it's the one at 1604m) et go to the two next huts (1702 et 1779m).
Follow the crest until pt. 1926m crossing some pines in the end. To reach the summit follow the crest, but it in't really interesting then.
Downhill :
Downill can be by the ascent way, or more north, depends of snow quality. You arrive under ont the road then.