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Pointe Zumstein: From the Monte Rosa Hut

Approach(See route to the Monte Rosa Hut)


Go up the moraine above the hut for 200m to get onto the Grenzgletscher at around 3050m.
Go up the true right bank of the Grenzgletscher. Pass a crevasse zone around 3300m then reach a plateau at 3700m. Go up the bowl above, then go to the left to arrive at the Col Gnifetti (4452m).
From here either climb to the Margherita Hut (Signalkuppe) 4554m and/or the Zumsteinspitze, 4563m.


 By the same route, then the Gornergletscher.

  • Difficulty: S3 - Medium (<35°)
  • Danger/Exposure: E1 - Low
  • Time: 06:00 hours
  • Total climb: 300 m
  • Total elevation drop: 300 m
  • Highest altitude: 4563 m
  • Lowest altitude: 2500 m
  • Extra gear: None
  • Lift access: No



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