Tours closest to Saint Rhemy - Crevacol ski resort

We found 10 tours within a radius of 14 km. They are shown in the list below. It is also possible to search all tours using our map search .

Pointe de Barasson: Normal Route
Default tour photo This mountain is a much more attractive ski tour...
06:00 hours S4 - Difficult (<45°)

3 km away.

Mont Fourchon: Via the Grand St Bernard Hospice
Default tour photo Ascent 1 From the parking at Bourg St Bernard, (by the...
06:00 hours S2 - Easy

4 km away.

Pointe de Drône: Traversée col du Grand St Bernard >> Combe de l'A
Default tour photo Access If you decide to leave your car at Dranse, there...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

5 km away.

Crête de Sereina: Depuis Mottes (St Rhémy)
Default tour photo Access From Aosta take the Gd St Bernard road until...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

7 km away.

Col Sereina: (ou Fenêtre de Sereina) Voie Normale NE depuis Mottes (Crévacol)
Default tour photo Access From Aosta take the Gd St Bernard road until...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

7 km away.

Monts Telliers: Par la Combe de Drône (Voie normale)
Default tour photo Ascent From the parking follow the road towards the...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

7 km away.

Tête de Ferret: N Face
Default tour photo Ascent Cross the river Drance de Ferret just under Les...
06:00 hours S4 - Difficult (<45°)

12 km away.

Le Chantonnet: Via the "Crette de la Perche"
Default tour photo Approach From La Fouly continue up the road and park at...
06:00 hours S2 - Easy

12 km away.

Tête de Ferret: Par la Dotse
Default tour photo Approach Park where the road ends, (in winter) and a ski...
06:00 hours S3 - Medium (<35°)

12 km away.

Mont Dolent: S Face (normal way), from Swiss Val Ferret
Default tour photo High mountain tour to a superb summit which can be done...
S4 - Difficult (<45°)

14 km away.

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