All tour information is user generated and although we try our best, we cannot guarantee its correctness. Always consult people with knowledge about the area and get a proper map. If in doubt, hire a guide!
From Aosta take the Gd St Bernard road until about 2kms beyond the service station at St Rhemy en Bosses. Take a turn off on the right to the Mottes ski area. Park the car at the foot of the chairlift.
Pass under the hairpin of the Gd St Bernard tunnel road and go in the direction of Le Ponty by the alpine track to reach Arp Bois 1940m. (It is possible to take a shortcut by going up to the left shortly having crossed the first bridge and then traversing diagonally upwards throught the larch forest to rejoin the track before the buildings.) From here an obvious cwm to the SW leads to the col (or fenêtre) de Sereina. At about 2200m there are many different gullies, and small cwms coming down from the crête de Sereina (Costa di Serena) giving a lot of choice, depending on snow conditions.
One can continue to the col de Sereina 2547m from where you can reach the first summit to the NW (2710m) by its S face (35° gully). This summit gives access to ski down a cwm steeper than that of the cwm leading to the col.
By the ascent route or a neighbouring cwm.