All tour information is user generated and although we try our best, we cannot guarantee its correctness. Always consult people with knowledge about the area and get a proper map. If in doubt, hire a guide!
From Monstein, follow the trail (towards the E) which leads to the Oberalp chalets (1913m) while remaining on the orographical right bank of Oberalp Bach. Continue towards the SW on another small track until Fanezmeder (2222m). Fork towards the NE to enter the broad dale called Mitteltälli. Between 2500m and 2600m, head towards the E and go up the broad steeper slopes (30 at 35°) which lead to Mitteltälligrat. You reach this ridge around 2800-2900m depending on the selected route. Follow the ridge (towards the N) until the approximate elevation of 2960m where you leave your skis. The remainder of the course, rocky and sometimes exposed, is done on foot (exposed to wind, little snow) as far as the summit marked with a cross.
By the same route.