All tour information is user generated and although we try our best, we cannot guarantee its correctness. Always consult people with knowledge about the area and get a proper map. If in doubt, hire a guide!
Above Finhaut the road is closed with a barrier at 1330m.
At the end of the season the road is open untill La Léchère at 1443m.
Go up to La Léchère by by the road and at the reservoir climb up to a large boulder easily seen from the road. From here follow the summer track through the forest.
On exiting the forest traverse upwards through the scrub to the chalet de Fenestral (1801m), then reach the large flat area of the Plan des Marais.
Ignore any tracks going towards the Bel Oiseau instead go to the right to climb up a large slope leading up to the col de Fenestral. 2451m
From the col it is possible to reach the SE summit of the Fontanabran. 2678m
By the same route.
Negative slope values means the track is heading uphill.