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Kyrkjetinden from Ørsta
Take the large path(small road up from the houses. You can go zig-zag on the road or take shortcuts more direct up through the forest that is cleared in parts. When the road ends you go straight up until you get out of the trees. Stay to the left of the ravine and proveed up the valley. Further up the ravine ends and you can easily cross the valley and head up to the summit via the wide slope. Take the same way down.
Created by:
Robert Johansson
Difficulty: S3 - Medium (<35°)
Danger/Exposure: E1 - Low
Time: 04:00 hours
Total climb: 936 m
Total elevation drop: 936 m
Length: 6.38 km
Highest altitude: 1023 m
Lowest altitude: 87 m
Slope facing: W
Extra gear: None
Lift access: No
The valley you take up (and down)
The summit
Negative slope values means the track is heading uphill.
Public photos on this tour
At the summit