All tour information is user generated and although we try our best, we cannot guarantee its correctness. Always consult people with knowledge about the area and get a proper map. If in doubt, hire a guide!
The route is very simple. From Thalkirch, go up the high mountain pasture called Alp Tscheurig, to the W. Keep going in this direction until you reach the long crest which connects Wissensteinhorn to Planggenhorn via Tällihorn. You can reach this crest at Rinderpirglückli (2586m), or at a flat area located slightly more to the N around 2650m. Travel the crest (to the N) until the secondary summit (2851m) where you generally leave your skis. The principal summit is then reached on foot on an more exposed crest (to the NW, distance 250m).
You can also make do with the secondary summit. The principal summit, only five meters higher, is not of major interest for skiers.
By the same route. Be careful of some low rocky steep pitches (typically from one to two meters) which are not always easy to see.
Possibility of sequences with Planggenhorn (2861m) and Wissenteinhorn (2946m). And in general it is possible to reach any point of the crest between Rinderpirglückli and Wissenteinhorn.